Pull Up a Seat

Pull Up a Seat

“The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.”  - Psalm 110:1

This verse is both a picture and a promise. A picture of Jesus, and a promise for you and me. Confused? It will all make sense very shortly, and I can tell you this simple verse has the power to change the way you see all the struggles of life. How do I know? Well, I can tell you it did for me.

So let’s jump in by first outlining the picture of Jesus that we see here. This is foundational in realizing God’s promise for us in the verse.

The picture of Jesus we see here is Him seated while God is working to humble His enemies and make them a place that He can prop His feet onto. I like to think that Jesus  is already chilling with His feet up on some of them while God just keeps adding to the pile, like feathers to a pillow. Kind of makes you just want to start a fire and put your feet up right?

Next we have the promise for me and you. Now I’ll be honest I didn’t see this one right away. I must have read the verse a dozen times before it clicked and it all started with one word... covenant

While Jesus was eating the Passover meal with His disciples, He took the cup and said to them, “This is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and His people. It is poured out for many.”

Now, in this type of covenant, it is worth noting that the enemies of one party would become the enemies of the other party. Think marriage. If someone hated your spouse, they probably wouldn’t be your best friend, right? In the same way the Bible refers to those in the body of Christ  as the bride of Christ. So simply put because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, my enemies are now also His enemies. (And I’m not talking about people here.)

So, if my enemies are now His enemies, where does that place them? That’s right under the feet of Jesus! Now how great is that? All the things that threaten to take me out are under the feet of Jesus. Fear is under His feet. Worry is under His feet. Insecurity is under His feet. Addiction is under His feet. Everything is under the feet of Jesus.

But it gets better... 

Ephesians 2:6 says that, “(God) raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms.”
So if your enemies are His enemies... and His enemies are under His feet... and you are seated with Christ... Where are your enemies now? That’s right, under your feet! 

In other words my friend, pull up a seat because God has already defeated the thing that is threatening to take you out! And you know what, while you’re there, go ahead and put your feet up.

And that is enough to change the way you look at any situation. It is already under your feet.

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